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LED Manufacturers Full Blown Patent Disputes

With the LED industry rebounding in 2013 due to developments in LED lighting, patent disputes between LED manufactures continue to rage on with no end in sight. The most notable has been the long fought out dispute between Japanese LED package manufacturer Nichia and Taiwanese package manufacturer Everlight, dragging their patent war through courts in Japan, China, the U.S., Germany, and more. Lawsuits between Nichia and Taiwanese LED package manufactures Unity Opto and Harvatek have also garnered a lot of news coverage. Aside from package manufactures, Korean TV manufacturer heavy weights Samsung and LG also drew a lot of attention during their patent dispute over OLED technology.

Taiwanese LED manufacturers face five big patent challenges
The Taiwanese LED industry began an upward climb in 2013. However, patent lawsuits have increased pressure especially from the patent network of large European, U.S., and Japanese manufacturers and Chinese manufactures that are rapidly catching up. Taiwanese manufacturers wanting to break through the patent wall must face five challenges: 1) overcome patent sieges set by large European and U.S. manufacturers 2) absence of patent strategies and 3) long term supply chain integration difficulties 4) domestic patent system's lack of LED industry understanding 5) patent infringement from patent trolls.


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